Monday 29 April 2013

Global Branding in the Digital World

I know this is a really long talk but it raises some brilliant points when it comes to promoting global brands.

It mostly focuses around the quality of advertising. Quality is what is going to sell. If something really surprises you or really catches your attention in a brand you're going to remember it. Viral videos are great at this. They create a brilliant vibe, and get people communicating with each other, talking about the brand and this great new video. Clever brands get involved with these talks on social network sites, giving themselves a personality which people can really relate to.

From what i've gathered from the clip and from my own experiences, I find that most brands that successfully promote themselves/ advertise themselves in the digital world have humanised their brands or given themselves a personality. compare the market with the meerkat at the forefront is a great example given by one of the speakers. Everybody knows about it and most seem to love it. They've got an interactive website to go along with this personality, as well as a collectable toys, just inviting all kinds of people to join them. This is brilliant branding because it is making insurance more enjoyable and maybe even fun, all creating a positive and comfortable attitude around their brand.

There are all kinds of strategies in branding but with people spending more and more time online i think the most successful advertising will be done in the digital world.


1 comment:

  1. So brands are moving into the digital world, we already have advertising appearing on our facebook pages and youtube videos because this is where we are spending more and more of our time.

