Saturday 20 April 2013

Is technology the driving force behind globalisation?

It is already evident that technology has played a hugh role in creating global communication, global financial transactions and the coordination of global productions and marketing, which alone has accelerated globalisation. If we go back to where it began, the advances in technology have had both positive and negative effects. "The introduction of the telegraph in 1837, the telephone in 1876, the wireless in 1895, the aeroplane in 1903, the television in 1926, the liquid-fuelled rocket in 1927, the coaxial cable in the 1930's, and the digital computer in 1946." These hugh technological innovations started the financial and marketing dealings on a global scale. "Meanwhile, the invention of CFCs in 1931 laid the basis for much subsequent global ozone depletion." The momentum technological innovation gained started to impact not only the environment but the countries unable to keep up.
Technology hasn't solely caused globalisation however it provided the framework for which rationalism and capitalism has grown upon. As further advances in technology are made every day it will continue to boost globalisation.

Quotes from Jan Aart Scholte, 2000. Globalisation: A Critical Introduction. Edition. Palgrave Macmillan.


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