Monday 22 April 2013


I've been reading this book Japanamerica by Roland Kelts a lecturer at the university of tokyo.
These scans talk about how outdated japanese television game shows have now become a hit in western cultures like xfactor and american idol.

Also it talks into depth about porn... yes i know, scary.
But, it seems Japan favor the hentai manga book style which involves tentacles, beastiality and rape to be "artistic" and "imaginative" than to posing nude women in the western's playboy and penthouse.

Western culture uses the word "Hentai" for japanese porn. Hentai means "strange transformation" form the kanji characters "hen" and "tai".  But with irony,the japanese call theirs as "porno anime" using english words. It seems both cultures feel the need to exoticize the words and make them foreign to display fantasies.

It sort of seems the norm for a japanese citizen to walk around town reading a hentai manga yet if you take it to a western culture it would be deemed very unappropriate to have in the high street. Yet Britain has the work of Donald McGill - a cartoon artist known for doing rude funny postcards.

Anywho, its worth a read, ~ Josh


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